Xcom 2 gameplay
Xcom 2 gameplay

xcom 2 gameplay

  • Optimized Wait actions causing long timeouts.
  • Optimized AI reveals causing long hangs.
  • Optimized Return Fire hits causing long delays.
  • Fixed an issue where crit chance would be negatively affected by shots with a success chance greater than 100.
  • Fixed an issue where shot HUD wings would fail to re-open after taking an action that required the wings to close.
  • Rapid Fire and Chain Shot visualization optimized to get the second shot to fire faster.
  • Fixed an exploit that skips the AI turn by spamming the END/BACKSPACE button while the Player's last action is being visualized.
  • Buildings don't cut down when tabbing through units.
  • Fixed an issue where the Ever Vigilant AWC perk did not work for Sharpshooters.
  • Kill Zone now respects concealment status.
  • Fixed an issue where Psi abilities did not trigger death cams.
  • Minimized camera look-at hopping during AI abilities.
  • Auto-saves (and ironman saves) made in these situations should now be playable
  • Removed start-of-turn hang during certain missions where enemy units had fallen out of the world.
  • Fixed an issue with POIs not spawning when first visiting the Geoscape if Beginner VO is turned off.
  • Fixed an issue where strategy project timers reset if players started building a radio relay immediately after making contact with a region.

  • Engineering items that are full squad upgrades are now designated in the UI.
  • Fixed an issue causing some scan timers to go into negative time.
  • Fixed an issue where weapons did not keep names and customizations upon tier bump.
  • Fixed an issue where Character Pool choices like Class, Attitude, and props did not save.
  • Fixed an issue where civilians pathed to the base of ladders and blocked XCOM units.
  • Fixed an issue where Promotion Earned text appeared before action is seen on screen.
  • Fixed an issue where VIP units would take damage when their origin location was damaged.
  • Added a new recommended Steam Controller configuration with support for additional actions.
  • Targets being shot by a concealed attacker cannot dodge
  • Graze is no longer a chance for 100% shots.
  • Mimic beacons can no longer take cover, and are guaranteed to be hit by enemy shots.
  • Mimic beacon rebalance: Price increased to 75.
  • After changing graphics settings, based on the selected preset, extra crew will be capped.
  • This prevents multiple calls within the same frame from creating multiple requests to save the profile
  • Removed a hitch that occurs when the camera enables/disables building visualizer.
  • Reduces the impact count of the Avatar Rifle.
  • Reduced High Shadow Resolution - Reduce shadow resolution when set to HIGH to 1536, instead of 2048.
  • Disabled shadow casting from character lights w/in Avenger.
  • xcom 2 gameplay

    Shadowed light fade out within Avenger Disabled Post & Pre Mission cinematic lights not being used.Enable triple buffering to fix VSync performance.Removed MSAA options from default presets and adjusted autodetect to target 40FPS instead of 30FPS.Support for nVidia SLI and AMD Crossfire.Fixed an issue where shadow rendering during glam cam shot transitions was slowing down performance.Normal movement animations are moderately increased


    While Zip Mode is enabled animation (like step outs & gremlin movements) speeds are significantly increased.


    5 Fall 2017 Update for XCOM 2: War of the Chosen.

    Xcom 2 gameplay